Lazy Reading is So Yesterday
What is a lazy reader?
Are you a lazy reader? Not sure if you are? Well, here are the signs of being a lazy reader; reading is a miracle for them and they think that books are boring.
For miracle readers, the fact that they are reading the second paragraph of this blog is a miracle. If you are a miracle reader, hold your horses, my dear fella! Don't stop reading. Later on you will learn how to kill that laziness of yours towards reading. Miracle readers are people who will read if someone or something pushes them to. Such as; book report and current event report. During the process of their reading they think that what's happening is torturing them. Most of them are likely to stop the activity, for they think that the information in the material is not registering in their mind, yet only giving them a headache. Overall, miracle readers only reads if someone or something pushes them to.
The other sign that a person is a lazy reader is they think that books are boring. If you ask a lazy reader why do they think reading is boring, they might say that books are just full or words that are very dull to look at. Some are likely to answer that they can just watch the movie adaptation of books. Movie adaptations take only a couple of hours to finish than reading it in a book. For lazy readers books are boring, and their reasons could go on and on forever.
Lazy readers think that reading is a miracle for them. They also think that books are just dull. But it's not too late for them to change their views. All they need is a reason why they should read.
Why are you ought to read?
There are reasons to the magic of fun of reading that are invisible to the eyes of lazy readers. The reasons are books are one of the great way to escape, movies can't portrait the wonders of a book even if Hollywood will spend thousands and thousands of dollars making it, and books can give a warm, fuzzy feeling when you finish it.
Because of problems, some us wish that we could just disappear in this world and go somewhere or sometimes we just want to be somebody else. Meaning, we want to escape. Books can provide a great escape. When you read, a book can take you to a place that you haven't imagined before. For example; When I was reading Eragon by Christopher Paolini, a fantasy book about dragons, I felt like I was no longer here on LA but on the magic world of Alagaesia. Christopher's Descriptive prowess took me somewhere else. A book can also turn you into another person. Books have different kind of style, and it depends on the POV (Point Of View) or who is telling the story. A perfect example is first point of view; a character inside the story is the narrator. Meaning, you can see what the character see, you can feel what the character feels, and so on. For example; When I was reading Daniel X by James Patterson which is a sci-fi book written in first point of view, I felt Daniel's power to create anything. The glow of his hands became the glow of my hands and the injury that was inflicted by his enemies became my wounds. If you want a great escape, just go to your nearest bookstore or library.
After watching a movie adaptation of a book, if you ask your friend how was the movie, you might get the answer "The book is a million times better." Why? Because movies just can't beat the power of the humans' imagination. A book is a product of the author's wildest imagination in a bind form. Just think back to the best dreams you have had. Aren't those dreams the sweetest? Those dreams are the product of your imagination coming from your brain. Movies are also a product of imagination, but CGIs (Computer Generated Images), directors, and other things used to create a movie will limit the wildest imagination of the author. Unlike books, words can exceed the limit, cause' they don't use CGIs, directors, and other things. But they use the human brain to run the story which is as wide as the endless galaxy.
Imagine you are walking around your former school. You pass by every room which you have studied your courses. In every room, memories of school trials gradually goes back to you. But it is all over now. You graduated! Isn't that a wonderful feeling? Don't you want that feeling to go back to you? Well, you can with books. When you finish a book, every time you look at that book that you finish which you fall in love to, you will get that warm fuzzy feeling. I am the evidence of that statement. I feel that kind of warmth every time I look on the books that I have finished reading. What more, if you are looking in a pile of books that you finish?
Books can take you away to this "sometimes" cruel world, it can never be upstaged by Hollywood with the movies which has a million dollar flashy effects, and it gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling. Those are the reasons why you are ought to read. But is it too late for you to start reading? It is never too late.
How to Kill the Lazy Reading Habits and Be Reborn as a Fanatic of Reading
Are you ready to start being a reader? It is never too late. It's very easy to kill a lazy reading habit if you just follow this simple tips: Be a choosy buyer/borrower of books and do the 1-chapter-per habit.
Being a choosy buyer/borrower of books is nothing to be ashamed of. The very first book that you will choose to read is very important, for it will be your stepping stone to the reading world. Think of your genre; romance, fantasy, mystery, comedy, and so on. For me, I suggest you start reading books for kids which are for 12yrs old and above. Books for kids are nothing to be ashamed of. I read books for kids too, and they are wonderful. Be sure to think of it carefully. Choose a best seller book. Ask a friend for suggestions who likes the genre that you have chosen. If you can't find a friend who can give you suggestions, bookstore salesclerks are willing to give you suggestions (Salesclerks know what books are the current hit now) or your friendly local librarian will do too.
After you have chosen your book, do the 1-chapter-per habit. How to do this? It is very simple. First, read 1 chapter a day. Set your time that you will read on that specific time. Never ever ditch your responsibility if you want to change your habit. My warning is that it is normal for a book to be kind of slow and boring in the first 3 or 4 chapters. The author is just introducing the characters and giving you hint about what's going to be the characters' problem. Ba patient. Remember that it is a virtue. After that, if you get used to it, after your read one chapter for a day, give yourself at least 3-4hrs of break, then go back and read the next chapter. After awhile, you will find yourself enjoying the book and unstoppable.
Reading is fun, but laziness to do this is an enemy that forbid us to experience the fun of reading. However, if you become a choosy buyer/borrower and you do the 1-chapter-per habit, that enemy that forbids you from reading will be eliminated. A new you will be born. A you who is a good reader.
Note: Here are the books that I have mentioned in this blog entry. You might like it, so here they are.
Author: Christopher Paolini
Price: $10.95+tax (price may be different in stores)
Format: Paperback
Title: The Dangerous Days of Daniel X
Author: James Patterson & Michael Ledwidge
Price: $7.99+tax (Price may be different in stores)
Format: Paperback
Note: This is my favorite book (I'm just sharing ^^). Look for my bn account for my book review about it and other book reviews
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